Monday, December 19, 2011

Scumble by Ingrid Law

OOOO this is a GOOD book.
I picked this one up to see if it would be a good read aloud for my 6 and 7 year olds. YES YES YES!!! This is  a super book and I think I will read it aloud and the companion book Savvy too.

Scumble by Ingrid Law is a winner. This family is just like yours and mine, well, almost. They have super powers but not like The Incredibles. This is just plain fun and entertaining. Have you ever played that game with your kids, what if I could pull anythign out of my pocket I thought of? What if I could jump super high? What if I could use mind control to get my kids to behave? Fun game. This is the book! Here, it is real. How cool is that.
Ledger turned 13, the age when people in his family get their savvy (special power) and wow is his a whopper, will he learn to scumble (control/embrace) his savvy before he causes a really huge disaster? Is his savvy a gift or a curse?  I love the simple story that gets a complicated twist and weaves in the everyday with the super. Ledger is not so unlike us, he must learn to master his fears before he finds that his talent is truly a gift. Hmmm, sounds like the author knows what it is like to be normal, and to realize that none of us are truly all that average. We all have a gift to use and to do it well, there are things to be conquered.  This book is fun, it is cool, it is awesome and I am SO reading all of them! Out loud.

This book would be appropriate for any age. It is written at an older elementary reading level.

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