Asperger's Syndrome For parents:
Asperger's and Girls featuring Tony Attwood and Temple Grandin
Girls Under the Umbrella of Autism Spectrum Disorders By Lori Ernsperger and Danielle Wendel
Parenting Your Asperger Child by Alan Sohn and Cathy Grayson
Oasis guide to Asperger Syndrome by Bashe and Kirby
Asperger's for kids:
All Cat's Have Asperger's by Kathy Hoopmann (kids book)
I am Utterly Unique by Larson (kids book)
Brotherly Feelings by Sam Frender and Robin Schiffmiller (for siblings-kids book)
Sensory Processing Disorder for Parents:
The Out of Sync Child by Carol Kranowitz
Sensory Processing Disorder for Kids:
The Goodenoughs get in sync by Carol Kranowitz (for kids)