Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Adoption friendly "how babies are made" book

Ok, I wanted to find a book for my boys that talked about where babies come from and included adoption. I have really enjoyed a series the Navigators puts out but they don't include adoption really in the first few books for younger kids. So, the search began. There are some secular ones and if you know of any post it in the comments. But, I really wanted one that also reflects our faith. After much looking I found these two books by Jim Burns How God Makes Babies and the second book God Made Your Body. I really like them and they have photos of kids of all different colors. They both include adoption as how you get your family. The boys like the first one and we have read it several times.
I think this topic may come up earlier for adopted kids because of all the talk about birth families. Anyway, this is a good one.

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