Sunday, April 24, 2011

Book Review: The Stowaway, by RA & Geno Salvatore

I have read several books in the last few weeks. I finished a great series and wanted something new. So, I picked up one of four different series.

I will review for you The Stowaway (first book in the series Stone of Tymora) written by RA and Geno Salvatore.  This is a great book and a very quick read as it is so captivating. I will be reading the rest of the series to dig up more of the story, which is very elusively left out to add to the mystique of the series and the intrigue of reading more.

Young Maimon is an orphan. Found and raised by mysterious people who are secretive about his origins. He wants to know more, but will learning these things really satisfy or will they just create more questions?  Just after his 12th birthday his guardian gives him a gift.  This item is bound to his soul in a magical way and this story begins to to open the mystery that Maimon seeks to solve. Who is he and why is he here? What is this gift and what is it's connection to him?

This book is full of action and mystery and plenty of magic and fantasy creatures, both good and bad (although the bad certainly do play a larger roll as of now against Maimon and his mystery). I have a feeling the whole series will be a must read if you get caught up in the story, it certainly ended with a lot left to know. Of course I think at the end of this book there was a lot left for Maimon to learn and we are following him. Like reading the first chapter in a great novel.... must get to the next one.

For kids who have trouble following a mixed plot line, this may not be the best read. The book is not typical or straightforward. It starts in the middle and Maimon tells what he knows of his story, which is not much, while flashing back to his current situation. This could be confusing for a kid who is not really good at reading mixed plot lines.

For this reason and for the depth of evil presented I would not recommend this for kids younger than 11 or 12. This is a good book for fantasy lovers. Geared toward 5th to 8th graders.

1 comment:

DaisyJ said...

I have now read all the books in this series and liked them all very much. I appreciated the subtle twists in the plot and how captivating the story line is. I think that this is a great book series for teens. I would not recommend it for elementary aged kids.