Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wilderking Trilogy

I thought the Wilderking trilogy by Jonathan Rodgers was a really good series.  It is from a Christian perspective and takes the story of David and Goliath into a different world and time.  Aidan finds his way to the throne through a series of very Davidic events.  It also includes a very fantastic realm and a sort of mystery in the Feechie Fen and the Feechie Folk.  I think this book is very well written and imaginative.  It held our attention well through each book.  My preschoolers enjoyed listening to the parts I read out loud and I am pretty sure they would listen to the whole thing read in parts, as enthralled as they were.  The only place I know to buy them is on Amazon and they are reasonably priced.  I would suggest them as a good summer read for boys and girls.  Although older kids will enjoy them as a fast read, younger kids in third, fourth and fifth grade will enjoy them quite a bit.  Good readers at second grade could enjoy them because it is content friendly for this young as well.  It is well worth the read.

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